1 event for 2 exhibitions
Meet us at booth B57 from 20 to 22 September at the next SEPEM Industries tradefair, which will be organise for the first time at MEET in Toulouse, France! It is taking place in parallel with the CFIA exhibition, which is the largest gathering of suppliers to the food industry in the southwest.
You can create your free visitor badges now.
SILEANE’s Toulouse subsidiary
The year 2022 will be marked by the opening of Siléane’s first subsidiary in Toulouse. After the merger with Robsys in 2020 and Visionic in 2021, Siléane will set up in Toulouse to continue its strategy of establishing itself close to its customers in the various industrial basins in France, Germany and Switzerland.
Toulouse is the 4th largest city in France in terms of population and is a metropolis that stands out for its economic dynamism. Its main sectors of activity are aeronautics, space, chemicals, IT and health. It is considered the European capital of aeronautics and is home to the headquarters of major companies such as Airbus, Safran and Thalès.
Would you like to try a new professional adventure in Occitania? Join the Sileane group’s team in Toulouse and take on new challenges!
There are vacancies:
You can also send us an unsolicited application!
Patrick MONFRAY : p.monfray@sileane.com
More information on our TOULOUSE branch in this article.